Pedal Love gathers the stories of inspired cyclists and helps cycling advocates around the country to do the same. All with the hope of encouraging people to get out there and pedal—in whatever way they can—for the love.
One of Pedal Love's primary concerns is creating a welcoming cycling environment. If you love long road rides, great! If you commute in all kinds of weather, fantastic! If you just got on a bike for the first time in a decade, also wonderful! We took this not-just-a-spandex-sport view of cycling seriously for our collaboration and worked with mothers dedicated to living car-free, tricyclists commuting to work, and elite internationally ranked athletes alike.
Along the way we heard great stories of how a love of pedaling is reshaping the lives of men and women all over California. The stories proved so exciting that they ended up in the pages of Momentum Magazine and are slated for a few travel magazines this summer.